check out the girl holding on to her bouncy! she has super-human fine-motor skills!!!

and here she is completely relaxed-out in her chair. she looks huge here but she's not, she's just big boned or something like that. :)

here is a pic of her and daddy... He gives her at least a hundred, thousand kisses a day. seriously. :)
What a sweet (and obviously SMART) girl! The pic of Daddy totally wrapped around her little finger is pretty sweet too!
You should look into baby signing, it's really interesting.
She's adorable by the way!
Yep, Mellissa, he is all about Maddie. I'm actually being pushed out of the picture a little, but thats ok. :)
To my anonymous friend, I'm a teacher at a pre-school and some of my kids have special needs so we use sign language a good bit in class. It is definitly something that I'll be using with Madison. Oh, and there is that "Baby Can Read" thats going on right now. I may even look into that around 6 to 9 months. :)
Thanks for the suggestion!
Hey, I got sucked into that Baby Can Read infomercial too! I was really excited to tell the hubby about that one! We plan on signing with G-Man too but I *love* the Baby Can Read program. It's spendy, but I figure he's worth it.
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