Monday, May 25, 2009

Brotherly Love

Ohhhhhhhhh, the love!

Sean asked me last night if I'd taken Madison's 8 week pictures yet, and nope I hadnt so we started then. And, one of the first pics, Jeremy and Maddie, both showing their beautiful personality.

Yep, at night Maddie tends to get a little intense at times. :) She's very opinionated and enjoys being loved on so sitting in her bouncy at this moment was not her idea. :)

Check out Jeremy in the background! He had a toy gun and was adding in some kung fu moves with it. I went back and started looking at these pics and was rolling to see what all he was doing while Sean snapped these pics. :)

The next pic is of Jeremy playing a game with Sean. He thought it was hillarious when Sean was picking his hands. :)

And lastly, the pic Daddy was looking for, one with a smile. I'd put some oil in Maddie's hair due to craddle cap which is why she's wearing such a crazy do. :)


Mellissa said...

Those pics look like so much fun! Griffin had tough nites too until we found Baby's Bliss Organic gripe Water...oh, it's a wonderful tonic! 1 tsp and he was not so cranky and screaming. still loving being held, but not uncomfortable or sad. It helped me as much as him I think!

On a separate note, thanks for the sweet comments on my last 2 blogs. The hubby left last Weds for a boys vacation with a friend and he won't be home til this Weds. I am getting my first taste of single parenting for a week! It's been alot easier than I thought it would be for the most part. But still I miss him!

Unknown said...

It's different when the men leave. :) I enjoy my alone time with the kids but I also love the family time. :)