Tuesday, May 19, 2009

God is good...

Well, we all know God is good, through good times and bad. Right? Right. However, I seem to always want to praise Him when I'm blessed.

If you've been reading my blogs then you may know that I'm financially stressed at the moment, waiting on my income tax to come in. Now, I cant take what the IRS is doing as personal. I was recently told, "you know the goverment will always find a way to screw you..." What? No, I dont think my reveiw is personal therefore I cant respond in a personal way. It's a situation that I didnt plan for and thats all it is.

Anyway, I went by the bank and discovered there was a small amount of savings that I didnt realize I had. What a blessing. The bills are due and the money has appeared to pay them. Thank you, Lord.

Thank you also for the opportunity for me to learn better ways to budget my money. Thank you for allowing me to be stretched in my faith. You do provide. You provide all I need and more. :)

Thank you!


Abbey Road said...

You are right!

Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

Mellissa said...

Oh AMEN!!! Praising Him right along side of you!