Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My mother's death deeply affected me. Since then I try to think of what my family would feel like without me; I try to leave little things around for them, for when I'm gone. I know, it may sound odd, but I cling to everything I can find of my mom's and I dont want my kids to ever have to do that with me.

Below are some quick notes I'm writing to my kids. I'm making a 2009 book and I'll put them in, so one day, if they like, they can look back on how I felt and loved them so.

Dear Maddie,
You are 2 months old, and I am so grateful for you. Thank you for "singing" with me, for cooing at me when I smile. It lights up my world. Thank you for enjoying my company so, that when I sit you down, you'd rather be in my arms than any place else.

Dear Jeremy,
You are currently 6 years old and will be 7 next month. Thank you so much for the laughs. You are seriously funny. "Take in the music, and push it out with your tail." I love it! Thank you also for wanting all my attention when I'm giving it to others. :) Oh, and for your independence. It's great watching you grow up.

Dear Austin,
Thank you for the time you spend in the living room, playing on the computer. I do so appreciate just being in the room with you. I also love how we share music. I'm so proud of you in regards to your school and personal relationships.

I love you all so much, thanks for sharing your lives with me. :)


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful! I have a few things of my grandma's but the things I treasure the most are the cards,notes, letters I have from her written by her. For some reason when I see her handwritting and read the words I can sense her more. Karen

Unknown said...

I totally agree. I love seeing anything my mom has written. It's like a can see her personality just by the way she curved a letter. :)