Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday Starbucks Review!

Cafe' Americano is the brew I recently tried, and whew, I do believe I grew a few hairs from this one. :) However, I must say it was nice to only spend $2 and some change for a Starbucks. I'm more of a specialty drinker myself with the White Mocha being my all time fav. but since the holiday selection is over and done with, I thought I'd go with something a little less, well, fattening.

And yes, did I mention hair. Seriously, the first thought that popped into my head upon my first sip was, "wow, this one is manly." And then I began thinking about it, why should I be so stereotypical when it comes to coffee? No, I shouldn't. What I meant to think/say was this," wow, this sure isn't your delicate, little flower drink. No way, you seriously need to be a bit hairy to carry this little fella." And, as we all know, gents and ladies alike can be hairy, why just last month my razor went on a haidas and things got pretty bad, so see, I know what hairy is. :)

Overall, I enjoyed the drink and I'm sure I'll pick it up again sometime. I give this brew a 4 out 5 stars when it comes to the regular fuel.


Excerpt from, Diary of a Fly:
June 10
Things they teach you in flight class:
We are the most accomplished fliers on the planet. Our average speed is 4.5 mph. Leap backward when taking off. Things they should teach you in flight class:
Always have a flight plan.


Chase said...

Glad you like Starbucks, Joy, but out here in Southern Cal - they have been degrading in service continually. Frankly, Starbucks is on their way downhill. This happened to me starting last night:

Last night about 1 am, drove thru an all-night Starbucks. Ordered coffee and an Oatmeal cookie. Pulled up behind a Lexus already at the window. 9 minutes later, get to the window.

Me:"Why did they take so long?"

Barista at the window: Oh, that's one of the doctor's (major hospital nearby). He loaded up on $50 worth of gifts to take back for the ER staff."

Me:"I'm late for work and you guys were laughing and joking and examining things back and forth through the window. Does that seem like a good way to do business?"

Barista, with an attitude" "Yes, I do". She takes my card.

1 and a half minutes later she brings my grande coffee with half and half (nothing else)and hands me back my card and receipt.

Me: "Where's the oatmeal cookie? The one you said you had and confirmed on my order back at the talk box".

Barista: Oh. (Notice, never the word "sorry") That'll be $1.85. Let me have your card again".

I drove around to the front of the store, got out of my car, walked up to the front and unloaded the grande coffee on their front glass door and windows, got back in my car and, while driving away, called the store and when the little bitch-rista answered told her she is a perfect example of why it's not the economy that's causing the decline of Starbucks.

Did you know that a grande cup can completely cover a 10 x 12 foot glass window and door?

This am, went into a different local Starbucks to read the paper for about a half an hour.I'm the 4th person in line. 2 registers going until just before me. Second cashier decides that me and the 6 people now waiting behind me is a good time to restock not-empty napkins out front while keeping a loud conversation going with the girl making all of the drinks across the way. Lady in front of me orders 4 items warmed, and the cashier decides that this means she has to leave the register and warm the items all seperately.

After 8 minutes of being in line with a clueless woman stocking napkins instead of helping customers, I left.

Called and left a message for the regional manager ("Sorry I missed you. Have a happy holiday . . . I will return your call on January 4th")

For want of a nail . . .

Watch out Starbucks. The big ones fall farther.

Unknown said...


Michelle said...

I seriously got almost 90 dollars in Starbucks money for Christmas. I have been on a Starbucks drinking binge for the last few days. It's a little out of control.

Unknown said...

Michelle, I secretly wonder if I'm a coffee addict. :) There is no shame in drinkin'!

MrsMonicaLB said...

I love the pumpkin lattes,and like you will also be TRYING to give up all the yumminess in everything.
stopping by from SITS

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you all!