Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Far Outside The Box Do I Want To Be??

I love eating organically and hate vaccinating my kids. And yet, I buy about 1/3 organically, mostly for Maddie since I'm concerned about her weight vs. chemicals, and I've always compromised on vaccines. I wish there was another way, but I agree with the concept of wanting our bodies to have antibodies and I certainly don't want to have to get them through true experiences, I just wish there was another way. :)

I've always been different. I've always thought differently than my friends and family. And oddly enough, I've never chosen to seek out and surround myself with others who believe like me. I've just always maintained that I was different, broken even sometimes, and that this was my life.

It's almost a daily event that I try and decide how I want to influence my kids, how much of me I want them to have, i.e., how different do I want them to be from the norm. Sadly, I'm willing to compromise, understanding that being different isn't always fun, and I'd rather my kids made this decision for themselves rather than I carve it in stone for them.

I'm taking a long time to explain....

Friday night Jeremy commented on my green beans, pretty much saying they sucked. Now, I make the best green beans and I'll admit, I did make them differently, so I wasn't insulted by his remark, but I was a parent in a teachable moment. He lost his tv privileges for the night. He pouted, he stomped around, he threw a fit, and then he settled on the couch. I laid down next to him, placing my head on his leg and we began talking about the word, "gay." He had used it just recently.

I explained to him that his brother, Austin, who's a teenager has lost all control over his brain and now can only mutter a few, simple, disgruntle words such as: shut up, you're dump, and gay. Now, my son is not prejudice and has a few friends who are gay and he himself even likes to take on some feminine characteristics, I think just for the attention, but you know.

*Side moment*

I was a bit embarrassed when I had to approach the Target workers and ask if they carried girly colored socks in men's sizes (12) since my son enjoyed wearing them so. They looked at me oddly, that's when the awkwardness came in, and just nicely shook their heads no. Just Austin's way of being different, I guess. :)

So, Jeremy got a great laugh out of my Austin's teenage brain talk. And then Austin ends up on the couch with us, leaving his computer game...WOW, and had some male bonding which involved beating up his little brother. We laughed and played and had a great night...without the TV.

It hit me yesterday while sitting in class, we'll take 6 months off from tv. We'll have to reinvent our evenings to which it will involve outside time, more games, and I was even thinking we could have a Saturday Family Movie Night. :) I just want more family time, less zombie time in front of the tube, which isn't even a tube anymore, but you know, more of that time I had Friday night.

And, yes, you can comment, "well, just turn off the tv," but it's much harder to do that than if it just didn't exist. Sadly, Sean was not really on board for he would miss his GLEE show. Yes, he is a musical man. :)

So, what do you think? Anyone out there without a tv? Any other "living outside the boxes"? :) I'd love to hear how you do it and how it all goes. :)


Anonymous said...

Until about 5 years ago, we only had basic ($10 a month) cable (channels 1 - 25). 2 reasons- 1) save money 2) not as much reason to watch tv. I guess I was lucky especially when the boys were littler - they preferred to be outside playing than sitting in front on the tv. I would rather read or do crafts than watch tv. I think part of it is habits ie is the tv turned on as soon as people are up and moving or is it turned on as soon as people walk through the door or is it turned on and left on even if no one is watching it just for background noise. In my opinion this is where our children develop their love for tv - they see how important it is for their parents ie their parents turn it on first thing in the morning, as soon as they walk in the door etc. But the same can apply to anything the parents do, playing video games, computer time, crafts, sports, etc. Karen

Unknown said...

I dont even enjoy tv as back ground noise. It's really distracting to me.

Anonymous said...

I just enjoy noise period. I enjoy quiet. But I know some people like some noise all the time. Different strokes for different folks. Karen

Anonymous said...

dont should have been after just

Mellissa said...

My friend Jen (her blog is here: does not have a tv in the house, at all! They are outside the box like you and me, selectively vaccinating, eating whole and organic and raising a baby with downs syndrome. I love her dearly and enjoy her witty blog. You might also be interested in her tights for boys rant. It is up the alley for the pink socks for Jer. We also limit the tv to just a 30 minute local news program when G-Man is up. There is no need for any of us to get sucked into the tv land. I applaude you! It may be a tough transition at first, but you will all love it! (even Sean!) good luck!

Michelle said...

We have a television so that Ryan can watch movies and play video games. We do not have any sort of cable (not even basic) and I have no intention of ever letting Liam watch television besides DVD's on special occasions.

It isn't that I have anything against television.. I just grew up in a house where it was ALWAYS on and I think there are more productive things to be doing- I'm hoping I can teach Liam to exist without it.

Unknown said...

Sean is still not on board but he has agreed to limiting the tv, we just haven't decided on what limits. :)

I'm off today and even though I've turned the tv on several times out of habit, before I allow it to actually come on, I've turned it right back off. If I want no tv then I must live as if I have no tv at the moment.

It may take me a moment, but I'll overcome the dependenace. :)

Thanks for the chat, gals, and also for the new blog, Mellissa!