Carrigan's Joy was created the day I found out I was pregnant with Maddie. Below is my first blog post, a letter to my baby.
Monday, July 21, 2008
To my precious baby,
I just discovered you today. *smiles* I was shocked, actually.
Oh, and let me start by saying, you are 4 weeks today, that is 4 weeks gestational. You are now considered an embryo, but I'd rather call you my little precious. :)
I told your dad about you today. I went to see him at work. I was nervous. Like I said, I was really shocked, but never the less, so grateful for you. Anyway, he asked if we were having a little baby boy to which I shrugged my face and said, "no!". *laughs* I say youre a girl, but I've been wrong before. :) Anyway, he came around the counter and I got up and went and got a hug. He said, "are we having a baby?" I shook my head yes and he said, "awesome." Right as he was walking away he touched my belly...I think he was saying hi to you. :)
So, here we are now. I'm me and you're you, but we're us for the next 8/9 months or so. Hey, do me a favor, will ya? Stay safe, grow big, and know I truly love you. I want to meet you in about 35 weeks, ok??
*many kisses to you, my precious*
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