Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Climbing The Corporate Ladder

A side effect of my recent graduation is the knock of opportunity at my door. Climbing the corporate ladder really isn't my thing since I'm an educator and belong in a classroom surrounded by kids rather than tall people decked out in suites and ties, but the idea of moving forward is exciting and quiet an adventure. 

It's not that I want to leave my current employer, I simply want a different setting, a different age group, and so I'm looking around. :) I'm not making plans on actually taking a new job outside of my school, but it is nice to explore my options and chat up a few interviews.

I'll definitely keep ya posted if I hear anything. I'm really looking forward to what all may be available. :) And what about You? Do You enjoy interviewing? Do You ever cruise the wanted ads, in need of different scenery?

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