Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Love Letter To You

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching I find myself running after my kids through grocery stores yelling, "put down the candy!" Ok, so maybe we do walk out with a couple chocolates that we devour before even getting home but who can blame us? We have no shame. :)

But seriously, when I think about the day and what it means to me, I end up turning my focus to my family. My love letter, if could be written, would be composed to my children and husband, what a journey we have traveled together.

To my husband, Sean:

I love you. I have always loved you. I never dreamed we would be where we are today, I simply wanted to spend my life with you, but I've received so much more. Thank you for all the support you've given me, for the sacrifices you've made for me, and for the role you've taken in my life. I know it's not always easy being my man but I hope it has it's moments that you love. Thank you for loving me.

To my oldest son, Austin:

You're a man now and even though I may disagree with your behavior and even ideas, I still love you. I still cherish you. You will always be my first born. You will always be my Austin. And even though I may have done things differently when it comes to raising you, I have never regretted what we have and I look forward to watching you grow as an adult and to seeing how you decide to play it out. I love you. I am proud of you.

To my middle boy, Jeremy:
You are my social butterfly. You make the world smile. You put every ounce of your heart into what you do that I stand back in awe of your strength and your abilities. I pray my stubbornness never drives you away and that I grow patient from our interactions. You will forever admire your Dad more than me, but I hope to one day have your respect for the decisions I've made as your Mom. You will become anything and everything you wish to be because you do not give up and you never will. I love you. I am proud of you.

To my girl, Maddie:

You are my most favorite girl in the whole wide world! You are beyond independent and a genius in your own right. Thank you for loving me so. Thank you for softening my heart and for showing me such kindness.  Your laughter is so light and care free, I pray your heart never knows any pain and that you forever spend your time loving others and being loved. I love you. I am so proud of you. 

To my baby boy, Jacob:
You are so new to me, I am still memorizing your face. You need me so, you choose me. Thank you for joining our family. Thank you for spending so much time in my arms, for being so content when I hold you and look into your eyes. Thank you for your smiles. Thank you for letting your sister love you, continuously. What a wonderful blessing you are. I look forward to getting to know you and watching you grow into a fine young man.

To my family:
You have all enriched my life beyond any expectation I could ever hold. You have blessed me with moments that will forever be etched into my heart and soul. I am so grateful to be your mother and wife. And I pray that I'll continue to grow in love so that I can be a better parent and partner. Thank you for being you and for being a part of my life.

This little love note was posted on behalf of a campaign by Grammarly grammar checker . Grammarly heralds the written word as a truly magnificent way to express one's heartfelt feelings. 

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Anonymous said...

so beautiful ~ Karen

jaylen watkins said...

This day we should love everyone who cares us.

love letters