Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bubble Fun

With the weather warming up there is no better place to be than outside playing. On this day, I had actually made homemade bubbles with my class at school, to which they had a blast. I decided I'd bring the project home and let Maddie give it a try. We also used fly swatters as our bubble wand and got some great bubbles from it. 
Homemade Bubble Solution:
1 cups water
1/2 cup liquid soap (Dove)
2 tsp sugar

First you dip...

then you swat...

the bubbles appear...

and then so do the neighbor kids. :)

This is a really fun and quick activity. It involves great measurement skills, letter recognition, and fine/gross motor development, as well as peer interaction. As a side note, though, we did use more liquid soap that what was called for and the sugar definitely makes things a bit sticky, especially when the bubbles start popping on you.

Enjoy the sun, fun and bubbles!!

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Em said...

What a great recipe, thanks, we'll definitely be trying that this summer, looks like Maddie enjoyed herself.

Anonymous said...

always love seeing pics!!! Nonna