Explore Chattanooga With The Creative Discovery Museum
It's Mommy and Daughter day and so we've decided to take a trip downtown and explore the
Creative Discovery Museum, otherwise known as the CDM. The CDM is, "recognized as one of the premier hands-on children's museums in the region," and with the themes of Winter Wonders and Helping Hands, who couldn't have a blast with that?!!
We started our journey by taking the local {free}
electric shuttle from our parking. The shuttle loops around downtown through out the day, offering riders a relaxing lift to shops, hotels, and attractions.
Once we arrived, Maddie checked out all the statues outside. She was actually so impressed with everything to see outside, it took 5 minutes before we could even get in to purchase tickets.
But once inside, the fun began. Maddie has visited CDM a couple times and even though it's probably been close to a year, she quickly asked to go see the dinosaurs. She kind of has a small obsession with dinosaurs at the moment...along with 20,000 other things. So, we dug in the sand, uncovering dinosaur bones, checked out all the cool bugs and snakes, and she quickly learned how to use a microscope.
We then met up with friends and began discovering other others of play. There was the...
doctor moment...
the track stamping {footprints} in baking soda {snow} moment...
the ice skating with a friend moment...
the felt board moment...
the hockey moment...
and the bee moment. This may have actually been her favorite area. We watched live bees in a hive, moving freely from outside back in, to videos of the importance of bees, and then to simply playing with large, stuffed bees and climbing in this bee hive.
Maddie loved it all!!!
Honestly, we didn't even get to see but 1/3 of the museum and we covered that in 1.5 hours. This certainly could turn into a whole day of play if given the opportunity. Price wise, adults and children 2-12 are $11.95 each. Memberships start @ $75 and are good for 12 months. There are also discounts for local police, firefighters, and those with a military ID.
Overall, the employees were happy, the children were engaged, and the bathrooms were clean...this Mother couldn't ask for anything more!
The CDM offers a variety of activities for homeschoolers, after school programs, and many more. So, check them out and Explore Chattanooga!
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