Shari's Berries
Shari's Berries is best known for specialized bakery gifts. Upon first arriving to the site, I was happily greeted with a gallery of pictures, displaying the multitude of cakes, dipped fruits, cookies, and more. I felt as if I was a kid in a virtual candy store, so many items to choose from, so many items to try!
My first instinct was to go with the chocolate dipped strawberries but then I reconsidered, I needed something even sweeter. And that's when I thought of my daughter, Maddie, who loves cupcakes with a passion. Actually, she just loves the icing on the top and then kindly passes over the cake to Momma to help finish it off. I figured Maddie and I would be in hog heaven if a dozen cupcakes arrived out our door on Halloween. What a treat that would be!
So, I cruised the cupcake section and quickly began drooling over my options. Which ones should I choose? This was seriously an issue until I noticed the words, "caramel, red velvet, and peanut butter." There it was, the dozen I'd been waiting for.
I quickly placed my order, chose my delivery date, and sat, happy, knowing I'd be receiving deliciousness soon enough. Sadly, Halloween, my delivery date, came and went with no cupcakes. The next day arrived and the same thing. Two days later my cupcakes arrived. I must say, though, Shari's Berries kept me up to date on my order through email, and confirmed that my shipment had been picked up and would arrive on the planned delivery date, I'm assuming the delay took place on UPS' part.
So, Friday, I rip into my box, found three containers of cupcakes and eagerly bit into a salted caramel ..I was surprisingly disappointed. It was frozen, which I should have considered since it had been packed with frozen packs. So, I decided to let the cupcakes thaw out a bit and enjoy them later. Later comes and I try a red velvet, the icing was nice, the cake was a bit dry. Oh, I must add though, each cupcake is filled with a nice surprise inside, chocolate or caramel, depending on the cupcake...I enjoyed this addition.
Overall, I feel as if maybe the delivery effected my product. The cupcakes were good enough but honestly, I wouldn't have spent $40 on them, especially if I was shipping them for a special occasion and then they turned up two days late.
And yet, the website is visually appealing, easy to navigate with the products broken into different categories and drop down boxes. The selection is large, the pictures capture the size and portion of the product well, and the price is easily displayed with each product.
So, if you're looking for a high end online bakery that specializes in a variety of treats that can be shipped to any friend or family, you may want to cruise over to Shari's Berries and see what they have in store.
I received a dozen cupcakes in return for this review. This post is 100% honest and my own opinion.
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