As I've moved around the house today, cleaning, cooking, and loving on my kiddos, I've given a great deal of thought to what I'd like out of 2013.
Spiritual Growth:
Sean and I will be attending a new church this year, he's taken on a Sunday school class for young adults. I'm not considered a young adult any longer so it'll be interesting to see where I find my place. Overall, though, I'm comfortable with the move which means a great deal to me. :)
I'm super excited about what this year holds for me in terms of fitness. I've been working out pretty regularly this week, even counting calories {!}, and I look forward to running some races, and becoming healthier for myself and my family.
This school year is going great! I have an amazing class with two great assistants. My director is happy, parents are happy, and by god, I could slap a pig I'm so damn happy! But, I realize I really need to keep looking into the public school system, the benefits just can't be beat. I'd like to have some great experience under my belt before stepping into a new classroom, but I also need to be prepared to take a step and move away from my comfort zone. It's ok to be a grown up. :)
Even though this category isn't at the top, it certainly doesn't mean it's any less important. My family is probably the number one thought through out my day. I feel as if I live for them, that most, if not all, of my decisions are made in regards to what is best for them, or us as a whole. Secretly I do day dream of the day when my house will be empty of little feet, but I'm in no hurry to experience that just yet, I cherish every moment I have with my kids. Every. Moment.
But, speaking of the fam., there are some big changes for us this year. Jacob will be a year old in 17 days. Wow. My baby boy is no longer an infant. He is more independent every day. Even today he ran down the hall with Maddie's panties that he'd snatch from the bathroom floor as she was sitting on the potty, his sister chasing after him, screaming his name. He loved it and all I could do was laugh. I mean come on, an 11 month old running down the hall with panties waving was hilarious. :)
And what about Maddie, who will be 4 this Spring. She's getting so tall and has the most unique personality ever. She makes me laugh, constantly. She is amazing. And speaking of tall, Jeremy is growing and changing. I see his body turning into that of a teenager; his personality is as well. He hides away in his room most of the day and now that he has a cell phone, I'm sure to never see him. Speaking of seeing kids, my boy, Austin, is still away at boot camp. I miss him terribly. Yes, I am proud of him and yes he is awesome for joining the Navy, but damn it, he's still my boy and I will forever be disconnected as long as he is away. I have no shame in that.
And now silence....
I have many other goals for this year...being a more supportive and patient wife {that will be hard...I'm so not patient}, losing weight, reading the Classics {I've already started with A Tale of Two Cities and I LOVE IT}, as well as taking Jeremy fishing, enjoying the outdoors daily, and truly being appreciative of family and friends. Life is so delicate, time goes by so quickly, it will be over soon enough and I want my kids to remember great things and loving moments.
So, here's to 2013 may it be as great as we make it!
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