In case you aren't aware of this awesome community, Mamavation™ is a online docudrama and weight loss support group for moms in social media. It’s both a campaign and Virtual Sorority™ in one.
I've met some wonderful people through this group and have seen some amazing success stories. And if you're looking for a butt load of great information on weight loss, detox, and/or general health, you really should click on the badge and visit the site!
Now, we've all read you gotta have a plan to achieve your goals. So, this is where I type out my weekly workout and nutrition goals. I'll post back on them next week, same place, same time.
October 14th - October 20th:
Fitness Goal -
- Monday: Week 2 Day 3 (running) #halfmarathontrainer #c13
- Tuesday: Week 2 Day 4 (running) #halfmarathontrainer #c13
- Wednesday: Week 2 Day 5 (circuit training) #halfmarathontrainer #c13
- Thursday: Week 2 Day 6 (running) #halfmarathontrainer #c13 October 17th - #Yeson522 Twitter Party 9:00 pm ET
- Friday: Week 2 Day7 REST!
- Saturday: Belly Dancing!!!! Birthday Party!!
- Sunday: Week 3 Day 1 (running) #HalfMarathonTrainer #c13
Nutritional Goal -
- Keep calories at 1200/day
- Drink 64 ounces of water/day
- Salads for dinner
Mamavation Goal -
- Check FB page daily
- Link up Mamavation post
- Read 5 posts from other Sistas
- Attend Twitter Party!
I hope you are all doing well, Sistas!!
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