Madison went in for her shots and she did well with them. Me on the other hand had a hard time tolerating my baby screaming.
This picture is of Maddie, her dad, and brother. It's a big moment here. This is the first time Jeremy's holding Maddie and Sean is explaining to him what it means to be a big brother. It's a pack they're making to keep Maddie safe, to pass on the responsibility of family and the importance of being together. Jeremy took it pretty seriously. He said if anyone ever tried to get his sister, he'd kick 'em in the privates. :)
And now I'd like to take a moment and say a few things to a baby that may no longer be with us.
Hey, little Frankie, I remember when your momma told me about you. :)
You got a great momma, you know. Yeah, she is. We worked together a few years ago and had a blast. She was the first to know about my little one. It seems she always touched people and their lives.
If youre still there, hang on. Dont leave just yet.
Lord, I dont know your plan and nor do I feel I even have the right to ask you to justify it to me, but I would like to ask you to be with Kristen and her family today. If you see fit, let Little Frankie stay, and if its not meant to be, at least let that beautiful baby know how much he/she is loved. Everything's in your hands, just give us the strength to deal with this life and all it hands us.
My heart is aching for Frankie and the parents. Please know that they are all in my prayers...
thanks, Mellissa. I cried off and on all day yesterday for my friend and her baby.
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