Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Happened To The Super-Human MOM Gene??

And so it has hit....

My husband had it two weeks ago, my daughter had it this last week, and as I jumped up out of bed to run to the bathroom around 5:00 a.m. this morning, I realized I had it as well. The stomach bug has struck again. And yes, *looks down at belly* your constant rumbling and churning is a great reminder as well. :)

I'm amazed actually. I mean, come on, I'm the MOM, the big Kahuna, don't I carry some sort of super-human MOM gene that shields me from all germs?? No? Really?? It reminds me back a few months ago as I sat looking at the ER doctor after he's just informed me that I have the flu. "I can't have the flu," I tell him, "I have a 6 month old baby." It took him a minute to get my point. Which, well, could have been, "I can't be sick, who will take care of my child?" or "I can't have the flu, I have a small child at home who may contract it." And then there is still the, "I'm the MOM, I have super-human MOM genes that shield me from germs!" Instead he just repeated, "you have the flu..." And, I guess the same thing rings true here, no matter how many times I think I'm indispensable, I, MOM, can still get sick.

Well, if that's the case then I'll live with it, but I'm setting up some boundaries here. I propose this "bug" will have had enough play time and be done with me by 6:00 p.m. tonight. You see it's Sunday, and not only am I MOM but I'm also a Working-MOM and must return back to work tomorrow. Yes, I can miss work for my kids, at that time I'm Medic-MOM, but as Working-MOM you just plow through the pain and make it in, smiling face and all. Maybe I could sport a nice little medical mask so as not to infect anyone. :) Do you think it would stand out a bit? I could just mention pretend play and all's good.

Ok, so now I'm drained. I guess the best course of action is rest and fluids. We have plenty of Pedialyte and therefore someone should drink it. *cheers!*


Miss. C said...

Moms should be exempt from getting sick!!! Hope the bug is gone from your house for good!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Miss. Candy, I hope so, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Get Better my love. Will be praying for you. (.hug.)

Mellissa said...

That soooo stinks!! Right now we are fighting the seasonal least my poor baby G-man is. I am at home today doing the nursing fest. I will add you to our prayers for healing.

Jen said...

I hope you feel better soon. I never took a sick day from work when I was sick only when my kids were sick. Like all moms do.

Stellamary said...

Dont worry You will get well soon.The God will keep you from all harms.

Unknown said...

Stellamary, I like that, thanks for your words! :)

And thanks so much for all the love sent here. We are recovering. :)

Alexandra said...

Hope you're feeling better by now.
It's amazing what Moms can put up with: germs, tantrums, colics... Not to mention all the teenage hormone-driven arguments to follow.
Right now, teh thought of having kids kinda scares me...
It'll pass.

Carol said...

Oh we had that it was AWFUL!!!! I started and it was like the domino effect through the house. Recover quickly.