Thursday, March 4, 2010

And, It Sucked...

Day 19

It was not a good run today.

My whole week has been thrown off with a sick baby, afternoon instead of morning runs, and I won't even go into this morning's hogwash.

My 7 year old has a doctors appointment this morning. He's been dealing with some anxiety which is effecting his behavior at school. I guess overall today just feels stressful.

I got a run in yesterday but half way through I got a call from a friend/co-worker and we chatted while my run turned into a fast walk. It wasn't a complete bust but I'm rethinking taking my cell phone with me again. I actually almost lost it today while out.

I need some prayers, people....


Anonymous said...

Stopping by from SITS. The fact that you were out running at all impresses the heck out of me.

Hope your baby feels better and hope you get some help for your son, being anxious is really hard on a kid.

Queenie Jeannie said...

You got it! Hugs and prayers your way!!!

Anonymous said...

you all are in our thoughts and prayers always Karen

CaneWife said...

Hope the next run is better and the little ones are feeling better!

Mellissa said...

Ask and you shall receive! Prayers coming your way. I have been totally absent from the blog world because G-Man had pneumonia and then I got bronchitis and then hubby got a MAJOR sinus infection which has thrown his blood sugars into complete chaos. I understand stress! Hugs to you hon!

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your love, kindness, and prayers. :)