I've been working out for close to a month now and Sean just told me that it's inspired him to get active as well. For the past two weeks, he has been cleaning our house, upstairs and down, doing laudary, cooking dinner, and even cleaning up all the little bits of "stuff" that he once would leave behind after fixing food or what-not. I feel like I have a new home, a new family.
And, he just recently informed me that he's been saving money for the past 4 months and that he's interested in taking out a secured loan to build up his credit and his savings account. I about hit the floor on that one. :)
He has also lost about 20 pounds, like in a very short amount of time. He went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and she told him his cholesterol was up and that she wanted to see him back in a month to recheck it. Well, he cut out his cokes and hamburgers, started working out, and removed 20 pounds.
I'm just shocked and overjoyed. He is actually downstairs right now, in what use to just be our junk room to which he is now painting and cleaning to turn into our relaxation/work out room. He said it seems I've been a bit stressed lately and could probably use a room that was clean and decluttered to relax in. He so knows my soul. :) He knows how overwhelmed I become from "stuff".
I am so blessed that this man is apart of my world. I am so grateful to be able to love him and be loved by him. I thank the good Lord for bringing us together, for my dreams have now come true. :)
Isn't he fantastical?!?!
I'm so happy for the both of you...he's getting physically fit and you are gaining in emotional well-being. A perfect match!
I hate clutter and stuff too...it just bothers me to no end. My daughters' room is the worst. Clothes strewn about and 50 lbs. of make-up and jewelry here and there. I just shut.the.door. when it looks like that. Except b/c I'm semi-obsessive...I still know it's there and it bugs me. :)
Wishing you a happy Sunday...Peace!
*smile* Karen
How wonderful! Those kind of guys are so hard to find! Enjoy! HE sounds fantastic!!!
What a wonderful post! He sounds great.
i very much adore all your writing type, very interesting,
don't quit and also keep penning for the reason that it just good worth to follow it,
looking forward to view far more of your current well written articles, goodbye ;)
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