Thursday, August 20, 2009

Doing Better

Maddie had a really good day at school yesterday.

I'm a little apprehensive on being too excited since I know today could look totally different, but maybe, just maybe, the pacifier is helping and she's growing more every day. :)

I really miss my mom this morning.

It seems this school year is more stressful than any I've had. I'm dealing with a parent who isnt too happy because there are more boys in our class than girls. And I mean she's really not happy. I feel as if every little thing in my room is under investiagatiion. I just keep giving it to God.

My third teaching partener is also still on medical leave and so our whole class just isnt all together yet. We've got a wonderful substitute but I'm looking forward to having us all back together, working on implementing all those wonderful strategies we have.

The kids are overall picking up the routine and are entertaining and inspiring me constantly. :) It is a great school year, and I will get comfortable and relaxed as I can.

My weight loss is still going well. I'm right at losing my 45 pounds. I head back to the dr. at the end of Aug. to discuss a few more things and I'm proudly gonna let him ohhh and awe over the fact that I'll have dropped about 20 pounds since seeing him last. :)

So, its trash day at our house and I hope hubby remembers. :)

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