Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dear Mr. IUD

Dear Mr. IUD,

Please settle yourself down and stop irritating Mrs. Uterus. Seriously. She's upset. And, maybe, hopefully, if you settle down than her sister, Mrs. Bitchy Irritability will go ahead and go on her vacay and we can all be happy. :)

With love and respect,
Me and The fam.!


T said...

Thank you for the laugh!

Happy SITS Saturday sharefest!

Unknown said...

T, it's the only way to be sometimes! :)

Lana said...

Love the blog! Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest

Miss. C said...

Yikes, maybe I don't want to have that done!!! lol! Very funny post!!! Hope you have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Miss Candy, I didn't have this problem with my first one. So, don't let me stop you. :)

Lana, thanks!

Mellissa said...

I so hear ya on that one too! It took my copper IUD (same as yours I think) about 2-3 weeks to settle in and for my poor uterus to just come to terms with this new tennant. Now, 10 months later it's not even an after thought! Hope you're all doing better!