Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No Longer Just A Mom-Blogger

Carrigan's Joy was born July 21, 2008 when I discovered I was pregnant with my daughter, Maddie. It became my documentation of my pregnancy and then later my primary blog for all things in life. Almost three years later, my identity of myself as well as my blog has changed.

I no longer consider myself just a Mom-Blogger. Not that I ever felt as if I fit completely into one, single category, but with the kids getting older, I've decided to spread my wings and discover the many layers that make me who I am. You may have already noticed this transformation with new pages such as 52 Weeks of Me and The Fly Lady , both pages touch on two areas of my life that I'm keenly interested in: photography and de-cluttering. I also plan on focusing more on my running which will beef up my Race Day page.

I'm really excited to see what the rest of this year holds in story for us. I hope to push myself to new limits as well as support my family as we all move forward.

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Patty said...

Branching-out to allow all the interesting facets of what makes you, you, is the basis of great blogging; at least I think so!

When I first started blogging, almost one year ago, my writings were based on a book I've been working on, a story of my late mother's Alzheimer's along with my experiences as her primary caregiver. Let's face it, that subject matter isn't always cheerful and not of much interest to many readers. In time, I've tried to move beyond this and explore my creative writing side.

Have fun discovering your layers...I'll be looking forward to your postings!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment, Patty!

And I'm sorry to hear about your mother's passing, but I think writing about it is a great way to work through the mourning process.

Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

Yay! I'm excited about the new directions you'll be taking...of course, I love your blog just as it is. But I totally know what you mean. My blog started as a food blog primarily, but since it has evolved to include more than just food, and I think I like it better this way.

KY Klips said...

I like to see blogs with some variety. It's always good to expand your mind and the topics in your blog.
I'm now following you via GFC from the Bloggy Mom's April Blog Hop. Hope you will drop by my blog sometime. Thanks!
Janet @ KY Klips Blog