Friday, June 12, 2009

Enjoying my time

We got into Memphis around 4:00 pm our time. We stopped twice to feed Maddie, once for a group pee, and once to just walk around Wal-Mart so Maddie could get some interaction and be out of her seat for a bit.

When we got here my cousin, Bubba, as I've always called him came over and met Maddie. Well, she started crying, screaming actually, and then the rest of the family came in and she just wouldnt stop. The rest of her evening was spent pretty much the same way, ie. why there are no pics as of now.

Today we're heading over to my cousin's house, Tiffany, to just hang out while she has work done on her house. Tomorrow its to Aunt Connie's pool as well as maybe Sunday. Also, Bubba and his wife, Tammy, are going down to Mississippi to pick there son up from camp and then are going over to the "farm" to ride their 4-wheeler. The "farm" is actually a tree farm as well as our land dating back to the Civil War, with the original house still standing. Now, that mom has passed away, I own my own share of the land and I think I'd like to go down and see it all, maybe take a few pics and just be apart of it.


1 comment:

Mellissa said...

Poor Maddie! Travel and new stuff can be hard on the wee ones. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for her. It would be pretty neat to walk on the family farm and touch that much history! What a great place to take pics of Maddie and the boys! Be sure you get in the pics with them too!!!!