Friday, July 31, 2009


Our appointment went well. Maddie has gained two pounds and grown 2 inches which puts her at: 13lbs and 24.5 inches. I know she doesnt weigh much but she sure looks big. :)

She's also about 2 months ahead cognitively as well as motor wise. She's 4 months and is at a 6 month developmental age. I was super excited when the doctor was oooohhh and aweing over her development. :)

Every little milestone she has from touching my face to crossing midline and reaching down to touch her toes has been a big deal here. I think its because I've known so many babies who wont ever progress to that point and therefore I'm super grateful for her progress. :) Sometimes you just dont know what you have until you're able to compare it with something else. My baby is not any more special than the next, but I'm just very grateful for the experiences that we have.

On the shots, so far so good: no fever, no fussing, no screaming.

Maddie's newest trick: crying/pounting when she sees me leave, still practicing on her rolling, we may just start on some cerearl...I still havent decided.

Thank you, Lord, for a good check up!


Abbey Road said...

Yay Maddie! She looks like she weighs more than 13lbs. It must be because she's so tall. :)

Glad she did well with the shots! You probably get as nervous as I do. The nurses at our pediatricians office probably think I am crazy. I pray over my children when they are getting their shots. It makes me feel more at peace when I feel so torn.

Unknown said...

Ohhhhhhh, Abbey, thats a great idea. I'll definitly do that next time. I was almost in tears as the nurse was giving them. So far, Maddie has had no side effects.

Sarah said...

I'm glad she is doing well, it's great that shes developing so fast.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sarah, how are you feeling? :)

Mellissa said...

Abbey Road,
I LOVE the idea of praying over baby as they get their shots! We are non-vaccing (so far) but I will remember that to use whenever my child is in a painful situation! I love it!