Sunday, October 18, 2009

Join Me in the Wii Fit Challenge

So, the Wii Fit Plus is out and I'm so tempted to purchase it, however, I still have plenty of locked games on my own Wii Fit. So, I've decided to take the Wii Fit Challenge. It will simple consist of me unlocking all the Wii Fit games and then at that point I will feel deserving enough to purchase the Wii Fit Plus.

So, want to join me? Got a Wii Fit? Let's unlock em' and then happily lay out another $60 for the next step up, or so I'm imagining in my head. And yes, I am hoping somewhere online the line I'll break through my plateau of weight loss and start moving again.



Did Standing Knee twice with 10 minutes of free step, doing 1021 steps. It felt good for a quick work out. Also, I was down 1.8 pounds from my last body test which was 36 days ago. I've set my new goal of - 1.5 pounds in the next two weeks. Lets see if we can do it!


Mellissa said...

love it! I don't have the wii, but I am setting up my road bike on the indoor trainer stand tomorrow nite. I used to do triathlons and want to get back to them for next summer. My goal is to start with 3 nites of 10 miles/nite then work up to 20 miles/nite at 4 nites a week. I figure I can put G-Man in the playpen (fingers and a spinning rear wheel with spokes = BAD!) and he can watch Momma ride, and learn some good healthy habits! Let's show our babies healthy, happy living!

Unknown said...

Mellissa, you are now my new exercising mentor!!!!! I never knew you use to do triathlons!!!! Like I,ve known you for forever or something but still, I'd have this knowledge tattooed on me for everyone to see! :)

Wow! You better be blogging about this!!!

Mellissa said...

I think I will. I'll try to dig out some pics from a few years ago. Mind you, i never RACED, I participated, HUGE difference. But I did 'em and enjoyed it! You make me smile!

Unknown said...

You are just amazing!!

Wendy Mueller said...

Love that you're doing this. I don't think I will ever be able to unlock everything on the Wii Fit. Good thing my son would rather log on as me so that he can get the stats up. :-) Just an FYI....the upgrade is only $19.99. Found out the hard way when I bought the upgraded kit and the new program only to get it home and find out that the program was already included and I could have just bought new software!