Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Good Lord Takes Us Where We Need To Be...

Sean fell head first into the idea of following God's will. I, on the other hand, like to simply dip my toe into the river, trying it on for size, making adjustments when needed, and so forth.

My faith is so weak. My faith is so little. My husband's on the other hands is a mulititude of mustard seeds. :)

Life is flying by and I'm not so sure how to get a hold of it all. Saturday begins a new development in our lives, and I'm not even sure how to describe it all. That's the kicker. I'm not to be in charge, I'm to just be there and offer support.

God is good. And, if you've stumbled here and can't make sense of all this nonsense, well then, you know exactly how I feel. :) I hope to have a better understanding of it myself later, and of course, you will be updated when that happens.

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