Monday, September 6, 2010

McFatty Mondays: Labor Day

Good Day, Readers!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend and that those of you who have today off (Labor Day) have great plans from spending time with family to simply being lazy and relaxing around the house. I fall into the second category there. :)

So, this past week went well, I think, or at least the scale says so. Still holding strong @ 181. The kids and I took a quick jog around one of our local parks yesterday. Maddie rode in the jogging stroller and Jeremy rode his bike.

Overall, I must admit I'm trying to find my balance since school has started back. I'm wanting to work out in the morning and then spend another hour or so in the afternoon on studying. My focus is shifting a bit from obessessed workout freak to a I only have two classes left til my Master's is finished and I so want to make them count, kind of girl.

And, at the moment, I'm actually pretty exhausted. Maddie lost her last paci last night and had a terrible time of sleeping. She's back to sleep and I thought I'd use this time to study and then I realized it was Monday and needed to post. :)

Anyway, *yawns*, I plan on bringing in more of the elliptical this week. I'm only striving for 100 calorie burn a day which is so minimal it's more or less simply breathing but I needed something so that if I didn't get a run in then I'm not beating myself up over it. I'll have to cut down on caloroies this week, but so be it. Other than that, I'd like to get a long run in on Sunday, making between 7 and 8 miles.

I hope everyone has grand plans and great successes this week!



Libby said...

7 or 8 miles running, huh? That's great, wish I liked to run. I hear ya about being busy now that school has started. Good luck!

FranticMommy said...

Good job and not blowing it over Labor Day weekend.. like I did :(
Dang Oreo Cookies!!!