Monday, October 4, 2010

Cutting The Fluff With McFatty Mondays

I am currently a member of The Rush and so far I've enjoyed my experience. I did 4 sessions with a trainer and have decided that my most fav. Christmas wish this year will be 12 - 1 hr. sessions. I figure I could spread them out 1 session a week for like 3 months! :)

Anyway, as a member, there is also a website that offers fitness plans to help design the perfect program. I signed up today and I've set myself up with two months of fitness plans. I'm super-psyched!

This previous week found me stressing over parent/teacher conference forms as well as a midterm so I honestly got NO workout time in. I was pretty bummed out about it, as you can see here . But, no worries, today is a new day. :)

Oh, and, I got a new kick on the nutrition level, this site recommends I eat 1954 calories a day, putting me 500 calories under what my body burns daily, as well as my workouts (weight training 3 x's a week, & running 4 x's a week) should really help to move my metabolism.

And, lets take a half-marathon that I'd planned to run this November is full. I went to sign up a week or so ago and, sadly, saw I had missed the window of opportunity. It's ok, though, I'll keep training, and I'll run one next year. I know it! :)

Ok, back to my post...

Nutritional Challenge:

~ Get in 64 ounces of water a day

~ count calories daily, remaining within caloric range
~ include at least one fruit and vegtable with lunch and dinner
~ snack only on fresh fruits and/or vegtables

Fitness Challenge:

~ 3 hours of exercise this week

~ follow fitness plan

~ possibly break out the 30 Day Shred for enjoyment :)

Side note: because my weight seems to fluctuate so often, I'm going to be using BMI and fat % to dertermine body changes.
BMI: 30.4
fat %: 34.2


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you will run your half marathon - I know it. How you ask? Because you are determined!!! Love ya, Karen