Monday, November 1, 2010

Cut The Fluff With McFatty Mondays:

This past week, I took it back...back to If you're a member or would like to be one (it's FREE!) check me out under the username: shecat07.

And, if you don't know Sparkpeople, again, it's a FREE website that offers tips, recipes, workouts, friendships, and community in regards to reclaiming a healthier life and lifestyle. I've made such great friendships and gained wonderful support by being a part of this community. Some groups even get together and I did an Aids walk about two years ago with a local group in town.

Check it out and become a part of growing group of people just like you, keeping it real, and making it happen!

In regards to what I've done this past week:

~ I worked out 7 days!!!

~ burning 1627 calories within 222 minutes!!

~ I did one morning workout, which is better than none, but I need more.

~ I drank roughly 93 ounces a day, certainly doing my 64 ounces each day.

Goals for this week:

~ 5 morning workouts using the bootcamp videos

~ 93 ounces of water, daily

~ 5 vegtables a day, 3 fruits a day

~ burning 2000 calories!


1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Awesome got in a ton of exercise and H2O!

I have not checked out sparkpeople...I have been using something called it sounds pretty similar though!

Have a great week :-)