Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Fly Lady: Beginners Baby Steps

Day 1: 

Recently, I posted that I was finally putting The Fly Lady's advice to practice, and Day 1 begins in the kitchen. Kelly recommends cleaning your sink before going to bed, that way it's still shinning when you get up in the morning. :)

The only probablem here is that I have a husband, and he's not reading The Fly Lady and nor is he even interested in keeping the sink clean and shiny. So, this will not only be a cleaning moment but it will also be a marriage moment as well. 

How to get your family on board with your idea of clean??? That is the question! I don't know. I'll take any advice I can get. Also, I'd like some advice on what cleaner to use on a porcelain sink. Bleach works well, but I don't always enjoy the chemicals. 

Til next time...

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Candiss said...

LOL I love it! I use Comet on my porcelain sink. But I grew up with Comet so I use it on everything. I haven't really gotten into the 'green' cleaning products. You should read the kids book "Mrs Piggle Wiggle". I don't remember the author, but it was excellent in demonstrating how to get kids to do things they are being uncooperative in, (Even if it was a little overly dramatic). It baisically comes down to making it a game not a chore.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the advice, I'll look the book up!

TexaGermaFinlaNadian said...

Ha! I always do this, a bit of a pet peeve :) As for the advice, just do what I do...don't allow him in the kitchen! haha, just kidding. I agree with Leetah, games trick the kiddos and hubs into cleaning more :)

Shah Wharton said...

LOL - My husband is actually more house-proud than me. I'm terrible. Well, not that bad - stuffs clean but it could be better. And cleaning products make my chest constrict something chronic - I have my excuse and I'm sticking to it! ;D

Here to say hi. I'm following too.
Shah - XX

Amy DM said...

Try baking soda as a cleaner. It's mildly abrasive and has bleaching qualities as well.

Unknown said...

Hey Toni, When I started FlyLady it was because my husband was really getting annoyed with our messy house. So I said- "If it's going to stay clean, this is how I'm going to do it." He couldn't argue because the entire house stays spotless.