Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sea Bands Have Saved Me!

McNett Sea-Band Motion Sickness BraceletsAs I reported in my last post, Jumping On The Vomit Train , I was having a bit of a problem with morning sickness, well, not anymore. I've discovered Sea Bands, and although I feel as if I'm sporting some not-so-stylish sweat wrist bands, these little things actually work!

They supposedly apply pressure to a particular pressure point on the wrist that alleviates motion sickness and nausea. I put them on Sunday and really did get some great relief. 

Like I said, they draw a bit of attention from my coworkers but I think I'll just throw my hands up, give some Ozzy Osborne hand signal and go on my way. I mean it's still cool to rock out to the 80's right? :) Who cares, I'm puke free!

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Anonymous said...

i am glad they are working for you and that is all that matters Karen

Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

Very cool. I'd never heard of these before. Glad they're giving you some relief.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Ladies! :)