Friday, March 20, 2009

Up Again

So, here I am up about 30 minutes and already the "baby" pressure waves begin every 10 minutes like clock work. Yesterday was a thrilling day with several waves coming between every 3 to 5 minutes but then they would settle back down to 10 minutes apart again.

I' ve been doing the nipple stimulation, sorry for those who arent interested, and they seem to increase the waves but I still cant get a pattern going of closer than the 10 minutes. The awesome aspect is that I know my body made some more progress yesterday. It was seriously a whole days worth or belly work outs which I so know affected my cervix in some way.

Actually, yesterday was the first day that I was tempted to call Caroyln and tell her we were on our way, but again, everything slowed back down. I told Sean again that if we would have gone to the hospital they would have hooked me up on pitocin and we probably would have a baby now. I dont know, maybe even Carloyn would have given me something if we would have gone over to her house, but I'm not ready to be induced just yet. I think this slow way, for now, is making progress and I know the baby isnt stressed since it played all day yesterday. :)

Abbey reminded me the other day that since I was now 1 cm dialated then that was 1 cm I didnt have to labor through which really put into perspective how I want this birth to go. I'd rather work a little longer on the beginning than stress through it in "active labor".

*sighs* But, I am so ready to meet my baby. :)


Abbey Road said...

;) He or she will be here before you know it, its just right around the corner. :)
I like to have as many lesser contractions before as I can. When I finally went into labor with Ryan I was 3 cm and 90% effaced. When my midwife arrived, the contractions where good ones, but not horribly painful yet. She checked me and I was 5cm. So really, I got about halfway there while still feeling fairly comfortable.

Unknown said...

Exactly, Abbey, thats how I'd love for it to be. I asked her at my last appointment when she asked me if I wanted to be checked and I excitedly said yes and that she could lie to me and tell me I was already at 5cm if I hadnt progressed yet. I was happy she didnt have to lie, but I still want to reach 4 to 5 cm without really knowing it...that would be so sweet. :)

Mellissa said...

Oh yeah! keep up the wonderful line of thinking! Yes, your body is working exactly as it should be!!!! Enjoy and revel in feeling all the power in your body and the knowledge that God made your body to do this and he doesn't make mistakes! I am sure you are walking lots to keep contractions coming but be sure you keep your energy up with food and drink. hugs and prayers to you!!

Mellissa said...

I forgot to say, every time you have a wave, say the word "open" either out loud or in your mind. It can only help!!! I must have moaned that word nice and low and rumbley (that type of sound vibrated the uterus and helps it to dialate the cervix) at least 1000 times during my active labor. It helped keep me relaxed thru all the rushes. :-)

Unknown said...

Mellissa, I've been saying that word for over a week now. :) The walks I enjoy but since quiting work they actually dont get anything going. It seems to be just being up and moving around helps and for some reason around the time I eat the waves get really close together. I'm definitly trying to stay hydrated. Today seems to be a "rest" day for my body since yesterday was so full of work outs. I'm using the time to get some stuff done and just enjoying feeling my baby move. :)