Monday, September 14, 2009


Having kids will change you.

My life has changed in everyway with every child. I remember being a senior in high school when I got the call that my son had fallen and needed stitches. I left immediately and took Austin over to the emergency room where he threw such a fit that they decided not to stitch up the lip since they'd have to sedate him just to do it. He still has a nice, white, paper thin scar that runds down his bottom lip, tucked nicely under the curve so he actually has to "flex" his lip to show you. And yes, "flex" can apply to lips. :)

I graduated college while pregnant with Jeremy. That was a thrilling experience. :) I was a stay at home mom with him til he was about 8 months where I then went into the child care field so that I didnt actually have to leave him but could still bring home a pay check. Ohhhhhh, I remember how once he was up and walking he threw EVERYTHING into the fish bowl...socks, tv remotes, forks, just anything and everything. :) He's now in the second grade and playing football.

My biggest change has come with Madison. God certainly softened my heart with this little girl. I seriously havent looked back and yet I know that I have been morphed into a better person because of her. I see it in her dad as well. I see a side of him that amazes me. I've known his love to be unconditional and ever lasting, I've seen that I bring joy to his eyes, and I've felt the softest touch possible from him, but still, he's even more loving, more soft, happier, just completely complete with Madison in his world.
It's been a blessing to walk this road. I've joined forces with many women over the last 16 years and I plan on meeting many more. I cant wait for all the milestones for my kids/babies to meet, yet I'm loving all the little moments in between as well. :)


Anonymous said...

Simply Beautiful!!! Karen

Anonymous said...

Beautifully Written! (HUGS)