Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Am One of Those People, That You Hate...

You know the person, the one that everytime he/she walks into the room you totally cringe inside and want to run away, vomiting. Yeah, that's me.

There have been two people in this world who have let me know that I am there, "can't stand you, wanna run away and hide (vomiting) person", and IT KILLS ME!

Maybe I think too highly of myself. Well, I'm sure I do, and maybe that comes off as rude or arrogant, but it's honestly just my innocent ignorance that you see when I do or say something stupid and you must shake your head is dismay.


Wow, I simply felt really ugly and ashamed making that statment. I mean, I find myself to be a great person and all, full of love, kindness, and knowledge, but maybe wanting to be liked and loved by all is a bit overboard, even for me.

I mean, honestly, I don't always have the best characteristics...I can be really bitchy, and I can seriously believe I'm way above many things.


So, I've gone from pouting about being the person that is hated for no good reason, to actually feeling sorry for myself since I kind of realize I maybe do have some traits that aren't all that warm and fuzzy.

Honestly, I think I'm just going through a midlife crisis, re-establishing my identity, and it's ultimately driving me crazy.

I'll shut up now...



Aleksandra Nearing said...

My husband has a theory that some people are just natural enemies. I know I have met one or two through the course of my life.

Rose's Daughter said...

make your haters your motivators!

Anonymous said...

You can't please everyone - no way no how. And who said you have to anyway? Is that written down somewhere and I missed it? There is no way with all of the different personalities, beliefs, value systems, etc. out there that one person can get everyone to love them. You wanna know how I know this? Jesus couldn't even get everyone to love Him. He even had people who hated Him. If He couldn't do it, than I certainly can not. All I can do is to try to be the best I can be. Love ya, Karen

Unknown said...

Karen, thanks so much for point that out!