Friday, November 27, 2009

A Multitude of Things to Say...

So, Maddie isn't really pulling to stand, but she's standing none the less. Here's a pic of her standing while leaning on my leg for support. I'm predicting by Christmas we'll have a cruiser on our hands. :)

Jeremy's report card was fab-u-lo-sous this period. Math: 94, Reading: 82, English: 95, Spelling: 100. All A's and a B! Yep, I am super proud of my boy. He, we, have all worked hard for these grades. It's not always easy, but it definitely gets done. :)

Sadly, to me, Austin and Jill have broken up. This happened about a week or so ago, and I was utterly shocked. They've been "dating" since the age of 14 and now two years later, it's done, over, no more. Sean says it's a good thing since they never intended to wed, but I thought maybe it was so, maybe people did still marry their high school sweethearts. But life goes on. He seems fine and has now informed me he can get into the local movie theater for free since, "he knows a girl." I gasp and say, "that's illegal!" He just laughs. :)

We have our tree up. An actual real, live tree even. We picked it up from good ole Wal-Mart who makes their employees work on a holiday so fools like me who have no impulse control can have the things they want, when they want them. :) However, I do believe there is a particular way to decorate a live tree and I don't think I've gotten it down just yet. Next year I'll google it.

Thanksgiving was good. I prepared a great deal of the food this year. I missed my family and forgot to call my dad, "sorry, dad!" I'm really trying to get to Memphis this year for Christmas. *crosses fingers*

I realized today being a mom of three, having a job, and trying to keep a house somewhat clean takes up pretty much all my time and has left me a bit frizzled in the romance department. Hubby and I need more private time. :) Maybe when Maddie's five we'll start dating again. :) But seriously, my whole life is just so full at the moment.

I tackled Black Friday this morning and was excited to see others out with me. I'm usually always up at 5:00 in the morning so actually having something to do with myself was pretty fun. :) I went in and got my TomToms and then decided I was finished. The other hundreds of people were blocking my view to even see what else was on sale, and, the guy who said everyone should be shot for saling laptops @ midnight kind of freaked me out so I went ahead and moved on.

So, I think you're all caught up, or at least you know most of it now. Til next time!


annies home said...

wow you have a lot going on that little one is sure to love the holidays

signing up to follow and visiting from momdot forums

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by! You have a great blog and I've just become a follower of yours as well. :)

Anonymous said...

I so love that picture of Maddie. She looks alot like her daddy I think. :)